Computerized analysis of the anterior curvature of the cornea

The study of the curvature and shape of the cornea.
The cornea is the most external anatomical portion of the eye and has a curvature which gives it the shape of a transparent dome, representing 2⁄3 of the eye’s capacity to focus. Anterior corneal topography or videokeratoscopy is the method used for examining the shape and curvature of the cornea. It is based on the projection on the corneal surface of concentric circles and through a computer program hundreds of points of the anterior surface of the cornea are digitalized. This then gives us colored maps of the corneal curvature , while also providing us with indexes of regularity and asymmetry.
The study of the corneal surface with computer assistance (corneal topography) is used to study corneal irregularities, scarring, keratoconus, corneal degeneration, high astigmatism and unexpected changes in graduation. As it is so precise, it allows us to detect corneal pathologies very early on, before they are anatomically visible. Topography is routinely used to calculate intraocular lenses, the adaptation of contact lenses in special cases and in presurgical studies for refractive surgery