Every part of the eye and the brain must work in conjunction for a person to see well.
Our eyesight is a perfect process. The eye functions like a photographic camera, in that the pupil acts as a diaphragm, regulating the light which enters, the cornea and the crystalline are the lenses which focus the images on the retina and this acts like photographic film , transmitting the images through the optic nerve to the brain. Every part of the eye and the brain must work in conjunction for a person to see well. Nevertheless, given that the eye is such a complex structure many things can go wrong.
We tend to think that problems with our eyesight boil down to having to use glasses when we are young and developing cataracts when we get older, but there are many diseases which can affect our eyes and seriously damage our eyesight if they are not treated in time.
Regular ophthalmological check-ups are fundamental for the prevention and early diagnosis of these diseases.