Blepharoplasty is known as the type of plastic surgery which is performed on the eyelids and it is one of the cosmetic procedures which is carried out the most in our country. In some cases, this type of surgery is aimed at improving the cosmetic appearance of the eyelids and in others it is to improve vision. For this reason, we classify patients into two groups : cosmetic blepharoplasty and functional blepharoplasty. :
Cosmetic blepharoplasty. In this category we can include patients who see in their eyelids the most evident signs of the passage of time. Little by little, our skin gets older and the results of this aging process are more evident on the eyelids and around the eyes. This problem can begin from the age of 30, making the eyes look tired and we will be told that we have a sad look. People who have this problem are good candidates for blepharoplasty for cosmetic ends.
Functional blepharoplasty : In this category we include the patients who have difficulties with their eyesight, due to the fact that they have heavy upper eyelids. The skin of the upper eyelids frequently falls over the eyelashes , thus blocking vision. People in this category refer to an improvement in their vision simply by lifting the skin of their eyelids with their fingers and they are candidates for what is called a functional blepharoplasty.
What does blepharoplasty involve ?
When performing blepharoplasty, incisions are made which follow the natural lines of the eyelids : the creases in the upper eyelids and just under the eyelashes on the lower eyelids. These incisions can go as far as the crow’s feet or lines which form in the exterior corners of the eyes when we smile. Working with these incisions, the surgeon separates the skin from the internal fatty tissue and the muscle, extracts the excessive fat and generally cuts away the skin and the fallen muscles. Following this, the incisions are closed with very fine stitches. In some cases, it is unnecessary to eliminate the excess skin from the eyelids and instead it is only the fat which is removed and it is possible to perform the blepharoplasty through the conjunctiva in the eye. This technique is particularly suitable for younger people whose skin is thicker and more elastic.
What type of anesthesia is used and how long does blepharoplasty surgery take ?
Blepharoplasty is a surgical technique and as such must be carried out in an authorized operating room where all sterility measures are in place. The procedure is normally done on an outpatient basis, without the patient needing to be hospitalized. Local anesthetic is normally used (the area around the eyes is anesthetized ) along with oral or intravenous sedatives and always under the control of an anesthetist. This surgical technique usually takes one or two hours depending on whether work will be done only on the upper eyelids or the lower eyelids too.
What are the postoperative results ?
Blepharoplasty generally has quite good results, as the eyelid bags do not normally reappear.
After the first ten days, the scars can go unnoticed with the aid of makeup and after two months they are practically invisible. By the sixth month after the intervention, they will have disappeared. Despite the initial discomfort caused by the procedure, patients can generally return to having a totally normal life after one month.