The human eye can have refractive defects which cause blurred vision and these are myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism. In a normal eye ( emmetrope ) the images enter the eye and are focused by the cornea and the crystalline lens on the retina, which acts like the film of a photographic camera and which transmits the images to the brain.If these images are not projected on the retina, blurred vision occurs and this is what happens when the eye has a refraction defect.

For patients to see clearly, it is necessary to focus the images on the retina and this can be achieved by wearing glasses, contact lenses or by having REFRACTIVE SURGERY.

Myopia : In a myopic eye, the images are formed in front of the retina causing blurred far vision.
Hyperopia :In a hyperopic eye, the images are formed behind the retina, causing blurred near vision and over time far vision too.
Astigmatism : In an astigmatic eye, the images, whether they be far or near, are out of focus, causing distorted vision.
Is refractive surgery suitable for all patients ?
Some patients are better candidates than others. It must be carried out on patients who are over 20 years of age and with a refractive defect which has remained stable for at least one year before the intervention (except when the phaco refractive technique is used).

To determine the condition, apart from a complete ophthalmological examination, we use the most sophisticated methods for ocular diagnosis, such as automated examinations for refraction, computerized corneal elevation topography and Placido’s disk to analyze the cornea, not to mention ultrasound equipment to measure the thickness of the cornea and the size of the eye.

This information, combined with the patient’s clinical history, will permit our team who specialize in REFRACTIVE SURGERY, to evaluate each individual case and apply the most suitable treatment or surgical technique.